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Termination of the validity of a free annual electronic vignette for persons with 50 and over 50 percent reduced working capacity

3148 Termination of the validity of a free annual electronic vignette for persons with 50 and over 50 percent reduced working capacity or type and degree of disability and persons or families raising children with permanent disabilities up to 18 years of age and until completion of secondary education, but not later than 20 years of age

A person with 50 and over 50 percent reduced working capacity or type and degree of disability is exempt from paying a vignette fee for a car - his / her property or community property, with engine capacity up to 2000 cc and power up to 117, 64 u kW (160HP)  by an order determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy.

Persons or families raising permanently disabled children up to the age of 18 and until the completion of secondary education, but not later than the age of 20, are also exempt under the above conditions.

Legal basis for providing the administrative service / issuing the individual administrative act:

Roads Act - Art. 10 c.

Ordinance No. Н-19 of 2 December 2008 on the terms and conditions for exemption from payment of vignette fees when using the paid road network of persons with 50 and over 50 percent reduced working capacity or type and degree of disability and persons or families, raising children with permanent disabilities up to18 years of age and until completion of secondary education, but not later than the age of 20 (Title supplemented, SG issue 6 of 2010, in force from 01.01.2010, suppl. - SG, issue 56 of 2011, amended - SG, issue 108 of 2018, in force from 01.01.2019) - Art. 3, para 4

Information about the Center for Administrative Services, address, e-mail address, contact numbers, working hours:

Specialized unit “National Toll Administration”

Address: Sofia District (capital), Stolichna Municipality, Sofia

Ovcha Kupel District, 86 Nikola Petkov Blvd., p.o. 1618

Long-distance dialing code: 02

Contact phone: 0700 10 876  (08.00 - 22.00)

Email: info@bgtoll.bg

Working hours: from 09.00 to 17.30, without interruption

Procedure for providing the administrative service / issuing the individual administrative act, requirements and necessary documents:

The service is requested through the Social Assistance Agency (SAA). SAA prepares and submits electronically, through a secure channel, to the Road Infrastructure Agency a daily application for the issuance of free annual electronic vignettes, prepared on the basis of processed and approved within the working day applications declarations by eligible persons.

By the end of the working day following the day of receipt of the daily application from the SAA, the Road Infrastructure Agency issues a free electronic vignette with a validity period of one year.

RIA prepares and submits electronically, through a secure channel, to the Social Assistance Agency a daily application for the issuance of free annual electronic vignettes, prepared on the basis of processed and approved within the working day applications declarations by eligible persons.

Ways to request the service

- Electronically, through the Social Assistance Agency

Information for providing the service electronically:

Verification of the validity of a free electronic vignette issued to an eligible person under Article 10c of the Roads Act can be made at the following address: https://check.bgtoll.bg/#/

Body exercising control over the activity of the body providing the service:

Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.

Email address for suggestions in connection with the service:

Email: info@bgtoll.bg  

Актуална пътна обстановка
0700 13020
