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Payment of fee - toll fee by processing declared toll data for each road vehicle intended for the transport of passengers with more than 8 seats, excluding the driver’s seat and a road vehicle intended for the transport of cargoes with two or more axles having a technically permissible maximum mass in the composition of a trailer exceeding 3,5 tonnes using a toll road network - 3138

Name and unique identifier according to the Register of Services:

3138 Payment of fee - toll fee by processing declared toll data for each road vehicle intended for the transport of passengers with more than 8 seats, excluding the driver’s seat and a road vehicle intended for the transport of cargoes with two or more axles having a technically permissible maximum mass in the composition of a trailer exceeding 3,5 tonnes using a toll road network.

Payment of a fee for the use of the paid road network on the basis of distance travelled - toll fee for road vehicles under Art. 10b, para 3 of the Roads Act by purchasing a route pass.

The categories of road vehicles for which the payment of toll for the use of roads included in the List of national roads for which toll is collected - toll fee, adopted by a decision of the Council of Ministers, are as follows:

1. Road vehicles designed to carry passengers with more than 8 seats, excluding the driver’s seat;

2. Road vehicles intended for the carriage of cargoes with two or more axles, having a total technically permissible mass, consisting of a trailer exceeding 3,5 t.

Legal basis for providing the administrative service / issuing the individual administrative act:

Roads Act - Art. 10, para 1, item 2

Ordinance on the conditions, procedure and rules for construction and operation of a mixed system for charging the different categories of road vehicles on the basis of time and distance travelled - Art. 8, para 3, in connection with art. 10, para 2 and para 3.

Body providing the administrative service / issuing the individual administrative act:

Road Infrastructure Agency

Information about the Center for Administrative Services, address, e-mail address, contact numbers, working hours:

Specialized unit “National Toll Administration”

Address: Sofia District (capital), Stolichna Municipality, Sofia

Ovcha Kupel District, 86 Nikola Petkov Blvd., p.o. 1618

Long-distance dialing code: 02

Contact phone: 0700 10 876  (08.00 - 22.00)

Email: info@bgtoll.bg

Working hours: from 09.00 to 17.30, without interruption

Procedure for providing the administrative service / issuing the individual administrative act, requirements and necessary documents:

The actual distance travelled between two points on the toll road network is established by the Electronic Toll Collection System through the collection and processing of declared toll data within the meaning of the Roads Act, the distance travelled being calculated on the basis of the sum of the individual toll segments entered by the vehicle concerned and the tolls payable being determined on the basis of the sum of the tolls calculated for the relevant toll segments.

Existing on-board devices in road vehicles meeting the relevant technical requirements for tolling purposes may be used for the purpose of submitting declared toll data if the respective owner or user has concluded a contract with a person providing an electronic toll collection service.

 The users of the toll road network may choose to provide data on the geographical position and distance travelled of the vehicles of the Electronic Toll Collection System and through the services of a person acting as a provider of declared data, entered in the public list of RIA and concluded contract with an electronic toll collection service provider. 

Samples of forms to be filled in for the provision of the administrative service


Ways to request the service

Through providers of electronic toll collection services with which the Road Infrastructure Agency has concluded contracts.

Information for providing the service electronically:

a) Level of provision;

b) the internet address where the application form is located;


c) Internet address for official application;

d) type of service (primary or complex), indicating, if complex, the primary services of which it is composed.


Term of validity of the document / individual administrative act:

Based on the collected declared toll data, the Road Infrastructure Agency calculates the due toll fees according to the Tariff under Art. 10, para 6 of the Roads Act through the Electronic system for collection of tolls under Art. 10, para 1 of the Roads Act, by generating an account establishing the amount of due tolls for the respective road vehicle. 

Fees or prices, grounds for their determination and methods of payment

The amount of the toll fees shall be determined by establishing the actual distance travelled between two points on the toll road network, and if it is established that a road vehicle has been located consecutively at two separate points on the toll road network, that the distance between them had passed, passing the shortest route.

Toll fees are differentiated according to the technical characteristics of the road or road section, the distance travelled, the category of the vehicle, the number of axles and its environmental characteristics and are determined for each individual road or road section

The amount of the toll fees per kilometer is determined in the Tariff of fees to be collected for the passage and use of the national road network (Tariff), adopted by the Council of Ministers Decree https://www.bgtoll.bg/content/files/2020/04/02/a1c48003edff0355cc5fc59c97e0aa26.pdf

Body exercising control over the activity of the body providing the service:

Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.

Email address for suggestions in connection with the service:

Email: info@bgtoll.bg

Актуална пътна обстановка
0700 13020
