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Internal rules for the official transport usage regulation and organization of activities related to the functioning of the car fleet, owned by RIA




   Art. 1. The internal rules regulate the terms and conditions for the use of company vehicles owned by RIA, including the company cars of the Central Administration and the specialized units of the Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA).

   Art. 2. The company cars in RIA are designed to perform official duties and tasks.

   Art. 3. (1) Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management (AOCRUS) Directorate at RIA, performs the activities of transport services, management, maintenance, organization of use and control over the condition and operation of motor vehicles owned by RIA.

(2) The directors of the specialized units shall appoint officials responsible for the transport service, management, maintenance, organization of the use and control of the condition and operation of the motor vehicles of the entrusted vehicles.

   Art. 4. (1) All company cars serving the RIA Central Administration, except for the cars serving the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA, the members of the Management Board of RIA, the Secretary General and the Directors of Directorates, must spend the night in the RIA garage or in the designated parking lots in the Business Subscription mode, except for the cases when seconded employees travel with them, on the basis of an explicit order or after an order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA. On weekends and holidays cars can be used only after obtaining written permission from the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA.

(2) All company vehicles serving the specialized units of the RIA must reside in the designated places, according to the order of the director of the unit, except when traveling with seconded employees or after the explicit order of the director. On weekends and public holidays, cars may be used only after obtaining written or electronic permission from the relevant director of the specialized unit.

   An exception is made in the period of winter maintenance of the Republican road network, introduced by order of the Director of the relevant specialized unit for patrols and control of the work of maintenance companies. This also applies to all other cases related to signals submitted by the duty officers in the Regional Road Administration and the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior or on telephone 112, which are a prerequisite for occurrence of events endangering traffic safety, after oral coordination with the Head of the Investment Control Activities Department or the Director of the Regional Road Administration and their reflection in the logbook for signals kept in the specialized unit.

   Art. 5. The spare key of each company car is kept in the room of the designated officials who are responsible for the car fleet of the RIA or the structural unit.

   Art. 6. When posting, it is recommended to park the cars in guarded parking lots and garages.

   Art. 7. (1) On the last working day of each month, the responsible officials for transport services check the mileage readings by checking them with the data from the GPS system, as well as the available fuel in the car's tanks.

(2) All reported overspending, above the expenditure norms approved by the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA, respectively by the director of the respective specialized unit, shall be paid by the officials appointed to drive the cars. For all exceptions a motivated report is prepared to the director of the respective unit.

(3) The non-payment of the overspends under para. 2 is a ground for seeking property and disciplinary liability.




   Art. 8. The officials responsible for transport services, in the Accountability, Planning and Maintenance (APM) Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate for CA and in the specialized units (Regional Road Administration, National Toll Administration and the Institute of Roads and Bridges) maintain and enter the current information of all cars owned by RIA in the GIS system and keep an archive with files of the same, which includes the following documents:

  • Document for acquisition of a motor vehicle;
  • Original or copy (for vehicles leased or provided for use) of the Registration Certificate - Part 1 and Part 2, containing all technical data of the vehicle, date of acquisition, date of registration with the Traffic Police, frame number, engine, etc.;
  • Copy of the policy for insurance of civil liability and health insurance for each insurance period;
  • Original Casco insurance policy for each insurance period and protocols from the inspections and recordings made;
  • Travel books for the period up to 12 months ago;
  • Document for performed technical inspection for each year;
  • Requests and protocols for the performed repair activities;
  • Requests for allocated consumables for vehicles of the CA of RIA (wiper fluid; bulbs;oil, etc.), according to the approved form (Annex No 2);

   Art. 9. The officials responsible for transport services in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate for CA and in the specialized units monthly verify the car's mileage readings with the ones recorded in the travel book and certify the travel books by the 5th. number of the month following the reporting period.

   Art. 10. When acquiring a new company car, the responsible official takes the necessary actions for insurance, issuing a fuel card, organizes the measurement of fuel consumption and releases the car, according to the order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA or the director of the specialized unit.

   Art.11. In the event of an insured event or accident, the driver of the vehicle takes the necessary actions to register and eliminate the damage, according to the terms of the insurance policy, notifying the responsible officials for transport services in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department of Administrative Services, Human resources and property management Directorate for CA or in specialized units.



   Art. 12. (1) By order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA, the officials, employees of RIA are determined, from which all vehicles servicing the CA of the Road Infrastructure Agency are driven, and they are handed over by a materially responsible person with a handover protocol to the drivers who will drive them.

(2) By order of the director of the respective specialized unit at the RIA, the officials from whom the vehicles are driven are determined, and they are handed over by a materially responsible person with a handover protocol to the drivers who will drive them.

   Art. 13. (1) The transport service for business trips in the country and abroad of the RIA CA employees is carried out on the basis of an approved Application for use of a company car and / or driver (Annex No 1), submitted by the director of the respective directorate to the head of the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, no later than 16:00 on the day before the trip. Within the city of Sofia, the use of a car takes place after coordination with the head of the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate.

(2) The transport service for business trips in the country and abroad of the employees of the specialized units is carried out on the basis of a business trip order of the director of the respective specialized unit, no later than 16:00 on the day before the trip.

   Art. 14. All persons who use company car transport are obliged to follow the requested route and after the completion of the official duties to certify with their signature the travel book of the responsible driver.

   Art. 15. (1) Drivers of company cars in the RIA Central Administration are obliged to fill in the travel books every day and hand them over by the 3rd of the next month, together with the fiscal receipts for the refueled fuel to the responsible officials for transport services in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, which verifies, signs and submits to the Budget, Finance and Payments Directorate for processing projects by the 5th, together with a duly prepared REFERENCE on spent fuel from vehicles.

(2) Drivers of company cars in the specialized units are obliged to fill in the travel books every day and to hand them over by the 5th of the next month, together with the fiscal receipts for the refueled fuel to the responsible officials for transport service, who check them and hand them over to the accountant for processing up to the 10th.



   Art. 16. The driving of company cars by employees whose direct duties require the use of a company car and have the appropriate driving license is carried out only by order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA or the director of the relevant specialized unit.

   Art. 17. (1) Employees to whom company cars are assigned are responsible for their technical condition, storage and protection.

(2) The employees under para. 1 monitor and promptly inform the relevant officials in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, in case of need to conclude a civil liability insurance / CASCO or perform an annual technical inspection.

   Art. 18. The reporting and control of each use of company cars is done with a travel book, and the data in it are filled in legibly with a pen by the employee who drove the car.

   Art. 19. Employees who are assigned company cars are obliged to check the technical condition and appearance of the cars before each exit from the garage, as well as when returning to it at the end of the working day.

   Art. 20. Employees who are assigned company cars are obliged to comply with the rules of the road, as well as all restrictions under the Road Traffic Act (RTA). In case of a violation by the competent authorities (including, but not limited to - the Ministry of Interior, Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, traffic police, municipal and customs authorities, etc.), the driver is obliged to personally pay the imposed fine no later than of 3 (three) working days from the knowledge of it and to present the complete documentation on the case to the responsible officials for the transport service.



   Art. 21. (1) In case of need for repair work, malfunction or maintenance of vehicles provided for use by specialized units, an employee to whom the vehicle is assigned fills in an application (Annex No 2), describing the condition of the vehicle and the need for service activities, spare parts and consumables.

(2) In case the costs under para. 1 exceed the value of BGN 1,000 /thousand BGN without VAT/, the application, accompanied by a motivated report and pro forma invoice, shall be sent by e-mail to the responsible officials in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate. The application is approved as appropriate by the head of the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, according to the contract for repair of vehicles.

   Art. 22. (1) In all cases of need for repair work, malfunction or maintenance of vehicles in the Central Administration, an employee to whom the vehicle is assigned, notifies the responsible officials in the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department, Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, with a written application (Annex No 2), describing the condition of the vehicle and the need for service activities, spare parts and consumables.

(2) The employees under para. 1 shall check what is stated in the application and shall assess the necessity of the type and / or the amount of the service or the repair and shall take the necessary actions, according to the order determined for carrying out repair activities. The repair can be carried out only after approval of the application under para. 1 by the Head of the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate, within the available financial resources under the repair contract.

(3) Value of an application for repair / maintenance of one motor vehicle, in the amount of over BGN 3000 /three thousand BGN without VAT/, for the CA of RIA and the specialized units, shall be allowed only after approval by the Secretary General of RIA.

   Art. 23. (1) All repair activities, as well as the maintenance of vehicles owned by RIA are performed in certain garages, based on a contract for repair of vehicles, after a public procurement for maintenance, or in authorized services for the brand of car for warranty vehicles.

(2) Repair activities and / or technical maintenance of vehicles owned by RIA can also be performed by a qualified official - an employee of the Agency, and they should be entered in the file of the vehicle.

   Art. 24. (1) The repair activities are carried out after an approved and agreed application, the services, according to a contract, under Art. 23, para. 1.

(2) Invoices for the costs of the performed repairs shall be signed by the respective official responsible for the implementation of the repair contract under Art. 23, para. 1 and the same shall be paid by the Budget, Finance and Project Payments Directorate.

    Art. 25. The directors of the specialized units should establish an organization for strict compliance with the terms of the contracts for repair of motor vehicles and the appropriate spending of public funds.

   Art. 26. The directors of the specialized units organize and control the strict keeping of a register of the performed repair activities of the motor vehicles, registered in their unit, as the information is reflected in the GIS system.

   Art. 27. Allocation of consumables for company cars purchased on the basis of a contract for selection of a contractor after a public procurement is carried out by filling out an application (Annex No 3), which is approved by the Head of Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate at RIA.

   Art. 28. The use of services for external, internal and complex washing of company cars is carried out in a car wash for the provision of these services, according to a contract under the Public Procurement Act, in order to maintain them in good condition.



   Art. 29. The refueling of the company car transport with fuels is carried out only under a contract, non-cash, with a magnetic debit card of a selected contractor under a public procurement under the Public Procurement Act or on the basis of a concluded stock exchange contract providing this service.

   Art. 30. The designated officials from the CA of the RIA and the respective specialized units of the RIA keep and maintain a file of each vehicle in the GIS system, for the performed repairs and maintenance of the vehicles provided for driving.

   Art. 31. The Budget, Finance and Project Payments Directorate at RIA keeps records of fuel consumption for the month of cars at the RIA's central administration.

   Art. 32. For cars provided for use by the specialized units of the RIA (Regional Road Administration, Institute of Roads and Bridges and National Toll Administration), the organization of the use of company cars, reporting and control is carried out by directors of relevant units or officials designated by them.

   Art. 33. The control over the implementation of the Internal Rules is carried out by the directors of the specialized units, the chief accountant of RIA and accountants of the specialized units, together with the head of the Reporting, Planning and Maintenance Department in the Administrative Services, Human Resources and Property Management Directorate.



   § 1. The present internal rules shall be adopted on the grounds of Art. 34, item 1 of the Rules for the structure, activity and organization of work of RIA and come into force from the date of their approval by a decision of the Management Board of RIA, reflected in Minutes No. 24020/19 of a meeting held on 09.12.2019.

   § 2. The present internal rules repeal the Internal rules for work in the Property Management and Motor Transport Department in the Administrative Service and Coordination Directorate in the Road Infrastructure Agency regarding the organization of the activities related to the functioning of the car park with Ref. No. ВП-1 / 25.03.2015.

   § 3. The order, organization and management of the company cars, provided to the specialized units, preparation, keeping and control regarding the travel books and other specific issues shall be settled by order of the director of the specialized unit within one month from approval of the present internal rules by the Chairman of the Management Board of RIA.

   § 4. In case of non-observance of the Internal Rules for the order of use of company transport and organization of the activities related to the functioning of the car fleet, owned by the Road Infrastructure Agency, any driver or employee to whom a company car is assigned or provided for use, bears disciplinary and / or property liability.

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