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Internal rules

Road Infrastructure Agency Client's Charter

Statute of the internal audit directorate in road infrastructure agency

List of the categories of information, subject to classification as official secret

Rules for the administration of information constituting official secret in RIA

Instructions for preliminary financial control prior obligations and prior payment of expenses in NRIA

Instructions for organization of the movement of accounting documents in NRIA

Internal rules and procedures for controlling the special use of roads

Internal regulations for human resources management in the road infrastructure agency

Internal regulations for the protection of persons who signal against corruption, conflict of interests and irregularities on operational European Union programs

Internal rules for disposal of long-term tangible assets in the Road infrastructure agency

Internal rules in the management of state-owned real estate and movables being provided to the RIA

Internal Rules on the implementation of the Ordinance on special use of roads

RIA internal rules of operation

Internal rules for detection, registration, reporting, follow up and monitoring of irregularities in EU co-financed programs and projects implemented by RIA

Internal rules for organization and conduct of assignment public procurement procedures by RIA

Internal rules of RIA for management of the public procurements cycle

Internal rules for the official transport usage regulation and organization of activities related to the functioning of the car fleet, owned by RIA



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